I've sort of been jumping around as far as what kind of photography I want to get into. I love the idea of changing the world with poignant shots of the unfortunate victims of third world circumstance but... there's always that side that says hey why not just point the camera at some pretty faces and make some money.
Being in Tampa right now with the aforementioned world changing shots thousands of miles away I have decided to turn my lens towards the fashion side of the business. I started a model mayehm account and am waiting for approval. Until them I'll be semi-creepy and pull models from CraigsList.
So goes the life of a freelancer just getting his start...
I got a job at the St. Petersburg Times so now I'm not a total derelict yay!
thousand miles away? bro, go to Ybor - I mean Avenida de Republica de Cuba and 21st street and watch the sidewalks and front porch interactions. Go to downtown Tampa Salvation army around feeding time. Ride any north-south bus in Tampa. Go to the migrant worker camps in Plant City during strawberry harvest.
The faces that need be captured and broadcast are everywhere, not just third world squalor, also first world neglect.
OMG! Ur trying to join MM, but ur just some GWC! I wouldn't even give you TFP! LETTERS!
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