The above picture was taken by my friend J. Adam Huggins.
Adam is a photojournalist who often shoots for the New York Times. He's a great guy and an inspiration to me. This photo in particular got my attention because of the caption.
The man pictured above is the same age as myself and he's standing in front of his home which has just been consumed by a raging monsoon flood.
After looking at the photo for awhile the differences between my life and his began forming in my mind.
We've both been on this planet for the same amount of time but our experience must be so vastly different. Now I don't pretend that this is some sort of epiphany and yeah his life could be summed up in one word, "tough," but it's still interesting to think about for a bit.
I don't want to end with some sort of saccharine diatribe about being grateful and appreciating the small things but I can say that this photo did make me happy for roofs and air conditioning and being above the high water mark.
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